
Declaración de Plataforma Socialista: La dictadura Ortega-Murillo y su farsa electoral

Tiempo de lectura aprox: 1 minutos

Contra viento y marea, contra la comunidad internacional, contra sus ex compañeros del Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN), contra la más mínima legalidad y — lo que es aún peor — en contra de su propio pueblo, la pareja compuesta por Daniel Ortega y Rosario Murillo ha consumado un acto adicional: la farsa electoral del 7 de noviembre del 2021.


Seguramente, la dictadura publicará a través de los órganos mediáticos cifras inverosímiles acerca de una supuesta participación ciudadana. Pero esta burda manipulación difícilmente servirá para ocultar su más reciente felonía.


Es imperioso denunciar vehementemente no solamente este nuevo atentado anti democrático en todos los foros nacionales e internacionales posibles, sino también toda la secuela de atropellos que lo han precedido desde 2018. Incluyendo las masacres de cientos de manifestantes, las detenciones arbitrarias de opositores, el terror general del electorado, el copamiento de todos los poderes del Estado, la institucionalización de los grupos paramilitares o la olímpica y criminal ignorancia de la pandemia, entre otras atrocidades.


Plataforma Socialista reitera sus críticas al régimen nicaragüense enunciadas en la “Declaración en apoyo a Sergio Ramírez” el pasado 7 de septiembre. Plataforma Socialista condena vigorosamente a la dictadura Ortega-Murillo y llama a todas las organizaciones de izquierda y progresistas a pronunciarse explícitamente ante lo denunciado.


Al igual que Salvador Allende y desde la tradición histórica del socialismo chileno pensamos que nuestros anhelos de mayor justicia social sólo se pueden conseguir con más y mejor democracia. El deber de todas las y los socialistas es pronunciarse frente a este régimen ajeno a nuestros principios latinoamericanistas y democráticos, es menester elevar la voz en esta jornada de farsa electoral.



7 de noviembre del 2021- Primavera de Chile


Plataforma Socialista – Grupo de Relaciones Internacionales de Plataforma Socialista

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    Despite Western media and politicians labelling the Nicaraguan general election a “sham” and “parody,” citizens turned out in large numbers to cast their votes on Sunday, and also to show they reject foreign meddling.
    According to preliminary results, over 65 percent of voters turned out, 75 percent of whom cast their ballots on November 7 for Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega, securing him a fourth consecutive presidential term.

    For many Nicaraguans, especially the poor and working people, the choice is an obvious one. The Sandinistas have led this country to its greatest victories, defeating the brutal US-backed dictator Anastasio Somoza in 1979, instituting the first free and fair elections in Nicaragua in 1984, and defeating the US-backed Contra, who terrorized this country through the 1980s.

    Since retaking office in 2007 after 17 years of neo-liberal rule which neglected the well-being of the vast majority of the Nicaraguan people, the Sandinistas have built a vibrant economy, created free education and health systems for all, and invested hundreds of millions of dollars in infrastructure.

    • aniel Kovalik teaches International Human Rights at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, and is author of the recently-released No More War: How the West Violates International Law by Using “Humanitarian” Intervention to Advance Economic and Strategic Interests.

      Despite Western media and politicians labelling the Nicaraguan general election a “sham” and “parody,” citizens turned out in large numbers to cast their votes on Sunday, and also to show they reject foreign meddling.
      According to preliminary results, over 65 percent of voters turned out, 75 percent of whom cast their ballots on November 7 for Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega, securing him a fourth consecutive presidential term.

      For many Nicaraguans, especially the poor and working people, the choice is an obvious one. The Sandinistas have led this country to its greatest victories, defeating the brutal US-backed dictator Anastasio Somoza in 1979, instituting the first free and fair elections in Nicaragua in 1984, and defeating the US-backed Contra, who terrorized this country through the 1980s.

      Since retaking office in 2007 after 17 years of neo-liberal rule which neglected the well-being of the vast majority of the Nicaraguan people, the Sandinistas have built a vibrant economy, created free education and health systems for all, and invested hundreds of millions of dollars in infrastructure.

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