Unmasked defamatory libel on Salvador Allende
Madrid, May 27th, 2005
Versi�n en castellano
President Allende Foundation (Spain)

The original text as written by Salvador Allende has been published today in Internet which unmasks the defamatory libel which has been put in circulation. The correspondence between Simon Wiesenthal and President Allende is also published.

It is available on CLARIN (1,5 Mb), and comprises the unpublished thesis with which Dr. Salvador Allende sought the professional qualification of Physician-Surgeon from the University of Chile in May 1933. It was entitled Mental Health and Delinquency (156 pages). The text is now published with an Introduction of Juan E. Garc�s, political scientist, and a Prologue of Juan Carlos Carbonell, Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Valencia.

A defamatory libel alleges that Salvador Allende as a student defended racist and anti-semitic concepts in his University thesis of 1933. The words of Allende himself demonstrate the fallacy of this accusation.

Fifteen lines are all that the aspirant doctor Allende requires in order to conclude that "there is no precise data showing any such influence in the civilized world" in reference to the contention of the Italian criminologist Lombroso attributing race as a causal factor in certain types of crime (page 123 of the version now accessible on internet).

In this coming month of June the University thesis will be published in Santiago de Chile on paper.

The correspondence between Simon Wiesenthal and President Allende is also published today in the web page of CLARIN (Hemeroteca section).

President Allende Foundation
14755 AP
Madrid 28080. SPAIN
Tel. 34-91.531.19.89
E-mail: [email protected]

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